FCRP staff include experienced trainers, instructional designers, and subject matter experts. We have an extensive list of ready-to-deliver trainings, or we can design custom training for your organization.
The topics below can be adapted and delivered using a variety of methods, including in-person or live online instruction and self-paced online courses. Potential audiences include human services professionals, educators, congregations, volunteers, parents (including foster and adoptive parents and kinship caregivers), and others.
We provide follow-up coaching to support transfer of knowledge. Coaching for ongoing skills development and practice improvement helps ensure training leads to real changes in practice and improved outcomes.
We can also conduct training needs assessments if you aren’t sure where to start.
Interested in a topic you don’t see listed? Contact us to discuss your training needs!
Attachment 101
- Definition & importance of attachment
- How children attach
- Indicators of secure attachment in young children
- Indicators of secure attachment in parents of young children
- Culture and attachment
Attachment Problems: Causes, Contributing Factors, and Indicators
- Insecure attachment
- Disorganized attachment
- Trauma
- Young children
- Adolescents
- Outcomes
- Overview of attachment disorders
Understanding Challenging Behaviors
- Behavior and child development
- What are challenging behaviors?
- Trauma and challenging behaviors
Preventing Challenging Behavior
- What are challenging behaviors?
- Addressing challenging behaviors
- Strategies to prevent challenging behaviors
- More resources
Responding to Challenging Behaviors
- Review: What are challenging behaviors?
- Trauma and challenging behaviors
- Prevent-Teach-Respond framework
- Tools for each stage
- Prevent
- Teach
- Respond
Engaging Families 101
- What does engagement look like?
- What families need: Trust, hope, self-worth, competence
- What families need: Partnership
- Why coaching matters
- Coaching framework
- Skills practice
Engaging Families: Beyond the Surface
- Principles of engagement
- Best practices in working with families
- Going deeper: Emotion coaching
- Going deeper: Candid conversations
- Skills practice
Coaching for Change
- Stages of change
- Coaching for better family outcomes
- Coaching framework
- Skills practice
Visitation 101
- Trauma, separation, loss, & grief
- Engaging families
- Coaching
- Pre-teaching
- Managing transitions
Managing Transitions around Visits
- Separation, loss, & grief
- Managing your grief
- Minimizing children’s trauma
- Transitioning in/out of visits
Strengthening Families via Visitation
- Impact of loss on the family system
- Shared parenting
- Emotion coaching
- Activities to build/sustain attachment
Strengthening Families via Shared Parenting
- Trauma, separation, loss, & grief
- Impact on child
- Impact on the family system
- Shared parenting
Coaching Caregivers for Behavioral Change in Visits
- Engaging families
- Coaching framework
- Strengthening protective capacity
- Utilizing teachable moments in visits
- Emotion coaching
Shared Parenting
- What is shared parenting?
- Benefits
- Strategies
- Shared parenting and permanency
Resource Parent Grief
- Causes of resource parent grief
- Self-care
- Strategies for managing grief
- Secondary traumatic stress
Transitioning to Adulthood
- The importance of helping youth transition to adulthood/outcomes
- Adolescent brain development
- Strategies for helping youth transition to adulthood
- Relational & cultural permanence
Psychological Safety
- What is psychological safety?
- Engaging youth who have experienced trauma
- Trauma-informed behavior management
- Building psychological safety
Kinship Care
- What is kinship care?
- Differences vs. traditional foster care
- Kinship care dynamics
- How to be an effective kinship care provider
Note: Courses in other topic areas (e.g., behavior management, sexual development, etc.) can be customized for resource parents.
Trauma 101
- Definition
- Types of trauma
- Trauma symptoms
- Trauma screening
Development and the Effects of Trauma
- Trauma and brain development
- Trauma and attachment
- Goodness of fit/poorness of fit
- Supporting attachment
- Recognizing trauma at different developmental stages
Trauma-Informed Classrooms
- Foundations of trauma-informed classrooms
- Psychological safety in the classroom
- Classroom management strategies (prevention)
Trauma and Challenging Behavior
- How trauma and behavior are related
- Foundations of trauma-informed behavior management
- Trauma-informed behavior management strategies (intervention)
- Managing escalations
Engaging Families with a Trauma History
- Impact of trauma on the family system
- Trauma and different types of caregivers (foster, adoptive, kinship, birth)
- Engagement strategies
Secondary Traumatic Stress
- What is secondary traumatic stress?
- Recognizing symptoms
- Assessing for secondary traumatic stress
- Prevention strategies
- In-the-moment strategies
- Low-impact stress debrief
Building a Trauma-Informed Agency
- Essential elements
- Psychological safety at work
- Strategies for addressing secondary traumatic stress
Engaging Community Partners for a Trauma-Informed System of Care
- What is a trauma-informed system of care?
- Engaging partners
- Using data to set common goals
- Effective implementation practices
- Evaluating and monitoring progress
Sexual Development 101
- Typical sexual development (all ages)
- Indicators of possible sexual abuse
- How to have appropriate conversations with youth
Ages 0-5
- Typical sexual development at this age
- Indicators of possible sexual abuse
- Sexual safety/appropriate boundaries
Pre-Teens & Adolescents
- Typical sexual development for pre-teens/ adolescents (including information on LGBTQIA+)
- Indicators of possible sexual abuse
- When sexual behaviors are problematic
- Treatment options for sexually reactive/aggressive youth
- Having conversations about sex
Healthy Sexual Relationships
- Consent
- Supporting survivors
- Relationship violence
- Safer sex practices
Sexual Abuse Awareness & Prevention
- Definitions
- Trends and statistics
- Sexual development
- Phases of sexual abuse
- Debunking myths
- Prevention
- Safety (how to respond)
Sex Trafficking Prevention
- What is sex trafficking?
- Risk factors
- Signs
- Prevention
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, All Other Sexes, Sexualities, and Genders)
LGBTQIA+ Overview
- Defining terms around sexuality and gender
- Pronouns and why they matter
- How to be inclusive and supportive
Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth (in Foster Care or in School)
- Defining sexuality / gender terms
- Risk factors
- Best practices for emotional and physical safety
- How to be inclusive and supportive (in foster care or in school)
- How to access resources and community supports
- Trends
Creating and Supporting a LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Workplace
- Defining terms around sexuality and gender
- Creating an inclusive and attractive work environment for LGBTQIA+ potential and current staff
- Best practices in the workplace
- Legal aspects
Supporting Transgender Individuals
- Defining terms around sexuality and gender
- Pronouns and why they matter
- How to be inclusive and supportive
- Risk factors
- Safety
- Best practices
- How to access resources & community supports
Substance Use 101
- Definitions
- Common substances misused
- What is addiction?
- Supporting individuals with addictions
- Effective treatment
- Motivating individuals to change
Effects of Substance Use on Parenting
- What is addiction?
- Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) and Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
- Safe sleep
- Specific effects substances have on parenting
Adolescents and Substance Use
- What is addiction?
- Substances commonly misused by adolescents
- Unique dynamics of adolescent substance use
- Effective treatment for adolescents
- Motivating individuals to change
How Substance Use Affects the Workplace
- What is addiction?
- Signs and symptoms of addiction
- How addiction affects the workplace
- Creating a supportive work environment
Supporting an Individual with a Substance Use Disorder
- What is addiction?
- Signs and symptoms
- Effective treatment
Motivational techniques Women’s Unique Substance Use Issues
- What is addiction?
- How substance use affects the brain
- Women’s unique substance use issues
- Effective treatment for women
Debunking the Myths of Substance Use
- What is addiction?
- How substance use affects the brain
- Facts about substance use
Methamphetamine 101
- What is methamphetamine?
- Effects on individuals
- Overview
Opioids 101
- What are opioids?
- Effects on individuals
- Overview
Crisis Prevention for Children with I/DD
- Understanding I/DD
- What causes a crisis?
- Working together for prevention planning
Systems Collaboration for Supporting Children with Complex Needs
- Why complex are needs so complex
- Players in the system
- Setting appropriate expectations
- Monitoring progress
Understanding the Intersection of I/DD and Mental Health
- Risk factors for I/DD and mental health diagnoses
- Why a mental health diagnosis looks different for people with I/DD
- Common diagnoses and what they look like for people with I/DD
- Supporting mental health and wellness in people with I/DD
Creating Trauma-Informed Support Systems and Spaces for Individuals with I/DD and Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Challenges
- Trauma and I/DD
- Recognizing symptoms of trauma
- How trauma can lead to behavioral health challenges
- Creating trauma-informed safe spaces for people with I/DD
Supporting Individuals with ASD and Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Challenges
- Trauma and ASD
- Behavior as communication
- Offering communication alternatives
- Building safe spaces