This 90-minute webinar describes how to screen and assess reports of child maltreatment on licensed foster homes, including the notification and foster home revocation processes.
Collaborating for the Educational Stability of Students in Foster Care
NCDSS and NC Department of Public Instruction hosted a joint webinar titled “Educational Stability of Students in Foster Care.” This webinar is intended for child welfare agencies and local education agencies to explore the Every Student Succeeds Act, responsibilities of Local Education Agencies (LEAs), responsibilities of Local Department of Social Services (DSS), and examples of collaboration at the local level. This webinar is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Disaster Plan Requirements and Resources for NC’s Local Child Welfare Agencies
In North Carolina, we face a variety of disaster threats, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, cyber and ransomware attacks, and extreme weather, just to name a few. These events can have a significant impact on local child welfare agencies, staff, and clients, and can occur anywhere North Carolina. This 90-minute webinar explains what child welfare agencies are required to include in their disaster plans and offers suggestions and resources related to disaster preparation and response.
Child Medical Evaluation Program Policy and Practice Revisions
This webinar is designed to educate child welfare staff on policy and practice changes to the Child Medical Evaluation Program. This policy includes new mandated circumstances in which a Child Medical Evaluation must be obtained to assess suspected maltreatment to children in certain age groups and/or with certain injuries or conditions.
Dr. Molly Berkoff is a child abuse pediatrician with both UNC School of Medicine and Wake County Human Services. Dr. Berkoff is the medical director for the NC Child Medical Evaluation Program. Emi Wyble is a safety strategist with DHHS whose work includes technical assistance to counties and policy improvements.
Child Welfare Practice and Safe Sleep
In 2015-16, nearly one in three child fatalities in North Carolina involved unsafe sleep conditions. In this 90-minute webinar, the Medical Director of North Carolina’s Child Medical Evaluation Program and representatives of the NC Division of Social Services provide information and strategies to help child welfare professionals improve their practice around “safe sleep.”
Human Trafficking: What Child Welfare Agencies Should Know
This 90-minute webinar gives an overview of labor and sex trafficking of minors, emphasizing how child welfare professionals can identify and respond to victims. Audience: Directors, child welfare program administrators/managers, and all child welfare staff from North Carolina county child welfare agencies.
Concurrent planning and Making Medical Decisions
In 2015 there were a number of legislative changes affecting child welfare practice in North Carolina. Two of the most significant relate to concurrent planning and the way medical decisions are made for children in foster care. In this webinar we answer questions about these changes and explore what they mean for child welfare professionals, their agencies, and families and children.
ADHD: Medication and Treatment Considerations
This webinar shares information to enhance participants’ ability to help parents care for child welfare-involved children with ADHD, with a special focus on monitoring and oversight of treatment modalities, including psychotropic medication.
Monitoring and Oversight of Psychotropic Medications for Children in Foster Care in North Carolina
Hear directly from North Carolina experts about this important area of child welfare practice. Topics covered include: basics about psychotropic medications, A+KIDS—our state’s registry for those who prescribe antipsychotic medications to children, partnering with CCNC, informed consent, and working with birth parents and prescribers.